
Arabia final

Below is an email testimonial from Arabia to our CEO/President, GeNienne:

Good Morning GeNienne:

I know by now you’ve heard the news of Valorettes and that I made the team :)!

I am so happy that I made the team. I think I am still on cloud 9, I cannot wait to start working with Derric, Renee’ and my teammates 🙂

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me in preparation for this accomplishment. Our phone call really helped me remember why I wanted to dance and cheer professionally in the first place. I took all of your advice and started to feed my mind positive thoughts daily. Every day I told myself that I would make it and that pushed me to prepare even harder for auditions. Your program in general does an amazing job at polishing women to be the best THEM.

The fact that I only met you 8 months ago during my first ever audition season and I’ve made a professional dance team with one of the greatest coaches in the industry right now just proves that you and your team are dedicated to giving clients the necessary tools they need to succeed. I cannot wait to see what my future looks like with more time and polishing 🙂

I am really glad that I met you and that I got involved with your program. I’ve met so many great mentors, coaches and motivators through the Sideline Prep program.

Hmmm, I wonder where I’ll be 8 months from!!


NFL Washington Redskins Cheerleader & AFL Valorette

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