Wise Words & Audition Advice: A Sneak Peek into NFL Pro Cheerleader Auditions – Part lll
Wise Words & Audition Advice: A Sneak Peek into NFL Pro Cheerleader Auditions – Part lll
I’ll wait…
Now that you’re all caught up, this week’s video is super special. I know… how can this week’s video be any more special than that showcase? But “Wise Words and Auditions Advice: A Sneak Peek into NFL Pro Cheerleader Audition – Part lll” showcases our lovelies in a different way.
These girls share some of the things they’ve learned while being a Sideline Prep PCP lovely, a finalist in an NFL pro cheer audition and being an all around amazing human. Their “Wise Words and Audition Advice” are exactly what you need to hear whether you’re preparing for your next audition or in the midst of auditions right now.
Plus… we could not NOT show you the FULL opening dance!!
Truly just unbelievable women, right? Their growth, their poise, their performance… these ladies are going places!
And like I mentioned last week… I’m going to say it again. This. Can. Be. YOU! We are here every step of the way to make dreams like this become a reality! If you want to know how we helped these Lovelies on their journey to making it to FINALS, reply back to this email with “I’m ready to GO PRO!” We will send you step by step instructions on how you can become a Sideline Prep Lovely and start taking action TODAY!
Now, next week’s video… Sadi and I share our perspective of the Ben-Gals audition. Be sure to tune in the our “Do’s and Don’ts of Auditions” based on what we noticed at the finals showcase. What stood out, what stuck out… get our reaction to the Ben-Gals Finals! Stay tuned!
We wish you success in all that you do! And we are here to help you every step of the way to shine on the sidelines!!
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